We walk an extraordinary path that is unique for everyone. The old is closed, the new is created in the new. We connect more deeply with our unique Soul essence and open ourselves to new possibilities flowing from us and our inner settings. During our pilgrimage, personal evolution, and return to our true essence, we are fully supported and accompanied by the Primal Source and through our soul family of light.
The messages of the Spirit Guides consist of seven personal energized channelings, the language of light anchored in the text. They are messages from your Light Soul family for the time of year. The messages are up-to-date, tuned fully to measure what is prepared for you from the Soul level in the given period for the next shift. Topics that are important to you for the following change and that your Soul wishes to understand, release, retune, or create entirely in the new. It is a direct and intimate conversation between you and your family of light. The messages work as complexly and on different levels and depths as possible.
Along with the seven messages, the Pearl of Wisdom and the Activating Light Codes of the Soul are conveyed, tailored for your unique journey through life in a given period.
Scope and Format: Channelings are printed on 3-4 A4 sheets accompanied by a Personal Pearl of Wisdom Card and Personal Light Codes card.
Delivery: up to one month
Price: 105 EUR / 90 GBP
Postage: This will be calculated based on the recipient’s country.
When ordering, please send a current photo with clearly visible eyes and the following information: full name and surname, date of birth and a valid address where the messages should be sent.
Orders can be made by email to katarina@pearlsoftheuniverse.com or via the contact form.
“We are here with you, Beloved Soul. We accompany you on your unique path that cannot be imitated by anyone else. You are on your way back to your divine nature. You are on a new path where love, light and Truth live. Everything you carry within you is an unrepeatable and unique essence from the Divine Primordial Source, which is waiting to be fully received and radiated again. You are a light being born from love and for love. We walk with you. The time has come to create anew and in the new, from a conscious connection with the Divine heritage – the Primordial Spark in you and around you. Everything is connected, and through knowledge, relaxation and ease, everything can be transformed. You are a creator who always has a choice, so allow yourself to create from the living Divine Source.”
The Light Family and Katarina Seraphi